You want to be the next UFC fighter, right?
MMA (Mixed Martial Arts) is the fastest growing sport in the world. MMA brings together the best techniques from a wide variety of martial arts and is now recognised as the evolution of modern-day martial arts. Using your hands like a boxer, your elbows like a Thai fighter, your legs like a Taekwondo master all the way to the ground like an Olympic wrestler, mixed martial arts is the ultimate combat sport
In our point cook martial arts studio, Martial Fitness Australia delivers a mixed martial arts program that is guaranteed to be challenging and as equally rewarding for the efforts you put in. The massive boost in confidence and self esteem gained from conquering our Melbourne mixed martial arts program will have you knowing you can take on the world.
Martial Fitness Australia mixed martial arts is founded on almost 40 years of traditional martial arts training that is proven to instill the qualities of respect, discipline, morality, honesty and of course perseverance. This builds great community members as well as awesome mixed martial arts fighters.

Our Melbourne mixed martial arts program is
not just for the next UFC fighter!
Our MMA program is inclusive and we offer the opportunity for every member to learn the benefits of mixed martial arts to improve their self defence and confidence skills. Our focus is on the individual and giving them the tools to progress at their own time based on their individual needs.

We have our children's mixed martial arts program the Warriors 8 -13 years and the Adults/Teens classes from 14 years.
At the beginner level we focus on the foundation skills of striking (taekwondo and Kickboxing) and the ground game with the basics of BJJ Brazilian Jiu Jitsu. At the intermediate level the focus is on application of the new techniques putting you in control of an attacker, bully or an opponent in your environment. The advanced level is for those wanting to take it into the competitive arena and we will prepare you for the Octagon.

Adults 14 +
Time is limited and we must priortise the importance of a healthy mind and body with our limited time
Teenagers tend to spend more time with others and not ON THEMSELVES and the same goes with adults, who are busy raising a family going to work and managing life’s daily pressures are often forgetting about THEMSELVE.
At Martial Fitness Australia we understand that during all the daily activity we all must set aside some time for OURSELVES. The old saying goes “You cannot help others if you cannot help yourself!” and martial arts training is a great way to achieve this. The pressure of exams and managing a hectic work schedule often leaves us feeling drained, stressed, agitated and of course unfulfilled.
By keeping a healthy body and mind you will take head-on life’s daily challenges in the best shape you can possibly be in. Setting goals to do with your own health and fitness such as, obtaining a Black Belt, motivates and drives us in all parts of our lives with the subtle reminder that we all need to have time to work on ourselves.
As a group activity many families have found taking part in martial arts training builds a connective bond of interest and not just blood, making up plenty of conversation and extracurricular activity at home.
Warriors 8 -13 Years
Our values are the same as yours when it comes to keeping your children active and safe
Children mature and have a constant need to keep active, engaged and challenged or risk the possibility of growing unhealthy, feeling isolated and lack motivation.
The martial arts classes professionally supervised by the team at Martial Fitness Australia are in the business of building good members of our community. Martial arts is a way of accomplishing this by providing leadership and building trust with its students.
You just do not know if your child is going to be the next National Champion, World Champion or Olympic Champion so you want to partner with the experts at Martial Fitness Australia.
Our Warrior programs are suited to both boys and girls and with our constant and never ending pursuit of excellence, you know you are in the right hands with your Melbourne martial arts training.
We, as a family, have been members at Martial Fitness Aust. for over 8 years. Originally joining for fun and fitness and knowing hardly anything about Taekwondo, we have embraced all that the club and teachers have to offer us. For me, learning self-defence and the traditional teachings of Taekwondo alongside Kickboxing, I have the all-round fitness experience! My sons love their teachers and classes - my eldest also joined the Sports Taekwondo program where he competes around Australia, including the National Championships.
Sue Rumble
Member Testimonial
If you are looking for martial arts training in the Point Cook area, I would highly recommend Martial Fitness Australia. I have been a member for over 10 years, and I cannot speak highly enough about the program, and
commitment of the staff. The Principal and Head Instructor Allan Malachowski and his family have created an environment that is welcoming and supportive of different training needs.
Hamish Green
Member Testimonial
I joined Martial Fitness Australia in January 2018 as I had always wanted to learn Taekwondo and decided to give it a go. From the moment I nervously walked through the doors I could not have felt more welcome. Allan and Kelly have built a fun, supportive and family-friendly culture. They genuinely love their students and want to see you become the best version of yourself, and this makes our club an absolute pleasure to be involved with
Clay O'Brien
Member Testimonial